What is Holy Week?
During the last week of the Lenten season we celebrate Holy Week, a sacred time of the year for Christians when the events of Christ’s passion and death are remembered. In the remembering of the sacred stories, we hope not only to remember, but to experience the drama of these stories ourselves, that we may know Christ’s love for us in a new way. All are welcome at any or all of these services!
Palm Sunday, March 25, 8 & 10:15am. This special liturgy begins with a procession of the congregation and the blessing of the palms, commemorating the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. The Gospel reading is the complete story of the Passion. The service underlines the contrast between the crowd’s joyous greeting of their king and then their condemnation of him—the contrast between shouts of “Alleluia” and “Crucify him!”
Monday, & Tuesday March 26 & 27, 5:30pm – We gather together on the Monday and of Holy Week for brief time of prayer and Eucharist. At these services, lay people are asked to preach.
Wednesday, March 28, 7 pm, At 7 pm, we will gather for a Tenebrae service in the church. In this service, candles are extinguished gradually as we hear a series of readings about the passion story.
Maundy Thursday, March 29, 5:30 pm – Dinner & Holy Eucharist with Washing of the Feet in the Undercroft, followed by the Stripping of the Altar in the Sanctuary. The word Maundy is derived from the Latin word, madatum (commandment), and refers to Jesus giving the “new commandment” to “love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34) to his disciples at the Last Supper. The Maundy Thursday service commemorates the Last supper and often focuses on two things Jesus did at the Last Supper: washing of the disciples’ feed and the institution of the sacrament of Holy Communion. The service ends in complete silence with the stripping of the altar, in recognition of Jesus prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane and the despair and death to come.
Good Friday, March 30, 8 am & 7 pm Good Friday commemorates the Crucifixion of Jesus. During this solemn service, we mourn for the death of Jesus and for our own sins. No Eucharist is celebrated on this day.
Easter Vigil, Saturday, March 31, 7 pm: The Easter Vigil is called the “king of liturgies.” At 7:00 p.m. we light the new fire of Easter and move from darkness to light telling the ancient stories of God’s people. We proclaim the Easter message, Christ is Risen! Bring your bells and other musical instruments.
Easter Sunday, April 1, 8 am & 10:15 am is the most important day of celebration in the Christian Year. On this day we celebrate how Christ overcame death to rise to new life, offering his redemption and love to all.