On October 30th, St. Michael’s will celebrate the Feast of All Saints’ at both the 8 am and the 10:15 am services. During this service, we will remember those saints who have gone before us and loved ones who have died, as well as recognize ourselves as those ‘saints’ who have been called to follow Jesus with our whole selves. On this day, we will remember in our prayers those who have died during the last year.
· If you have people who have died in the last year who you would like to be named in the prayers, please add them to the book in the back of the church.
· If you have pictures of loved ones who have died whose lives you want to give thanks for, we will provide two tables in the chancel area (in front of the altar and in the corner) as a visible reminder of the saints who have come before us for worship that day.
· Because this is a major feast day, we will have incense at the 10:15 am service.