Yoga for Mature Bodies

The Dunham Room (first floor)

“YOGA FOR MATURE BODIES” BEGINS SEPTEMBER 15: St. Michael’s Health Ministry is sponsoring the “Yoga for Mature Bodies” class that will be taught by Jo Schneiderman of Guilford. A description…

St. Michael’s Choir School begins new session

St. Michael‘s Choir School Tuesdays, 3:45-4:45 Sessions: September 16-October 21 (6 weeks) October 28- December 9 (6 weeks) New students are encouraged to join at the beginning of each session.…

St. Michael’s Tag Sale

Quality clothing, furniture, sporting goods, electronics, jewelry -- you name it!

St. Michael’s Tag Sale

Quality clothing, furniture, sporting goods, electronics, jewelry -- you name it!

St. Francis Day Blessing of the Animals

The Brattleboro Commons

Horses, penguins, bumble bees, fish, bird….All are invited!    Bring your animals and join with St. Michael's and the Windham County Humane Society to celebrate God's gift of animals!  …

All Saints’ Day Celebrated

All Saints’ Day celebrated on Sunday, November 2 I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, and for this reason I…

Altered State Chanting Workshop

What is it for? How do we sing it? Is it really accessible to everyone? The answer is a resounding yes! In this day-long program we will sing many chants…

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service - All are invited to an Interfaith Service of Thanksgiving on Tuesday Nov 25 at 7 pm, held at the First Baptist Church, 190 Main Street in…

Thanksgiving Day Morning Prayer Service

Thanksgiving Day Morning Prayer at Christ Church Join us on Thanksgiving Day (November 27) at Christ Church in Guilford for a Thanksgiving Morning Prayer service with hymns.   Coming together to…