Martin Luther King Sunday

MARTIN LUTHER KING SUNDAY, JANUARY 20: The Rt. Rev. Gayle E. Harris willpreach at both the 8:00 and 10:15 services and lead that morning’s Forum at 9:00 AM.She serves as…

Parish Annual Meeting

All members of St. Michael’s are invited to attend our Parish Annual Meeting following the 10:15 am service on January 27th. We will elect three new members of the Vestry…

The Feast of St. Brigid

This contemplative service will follow the pattern of a mid-week Eucharist, except that in place of a homily, there will be a time for people to share about a woman…


A chanted service of Compline from the Book of Common Prayer held in the Chapel of Mary Magdalene.  All Welcome!

Evening Prayer

A chanted service of Evening Prayer from the Book of Common Prayer held in the Chapel of Mary Magdalene.  All Welcome!

Preparing for a Holy Lent for all Ages

SUNDAY MARCH 3 DURING COFFEE HOUR, “PREPARING FOR LENT: CRAFTING CROSSES, ANGLICAN ROSARY BEADS, PRAYER BAGS” -- With a desire to prepare our hearts and homes for the mystery of…

Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday services are held at 7:30 am, 12pm and 5:30 pm at St. Michael's Episcopal Church.  Ash Wednesday is the first day of the Season of Lent. It occurs 46 days…

Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday services are held at 7:30 am, 12pm and 5:30 pm at St. Michael's Episcopal Church.  Ash Wednesday is the first day of the Season of Lent. It occurs 46 days…


A chanted service of Compline from the Book of Common Prayer held in the Chapel of Mary Magdalene.  All Welcome!

Morning Prayer – Every Weekday in Lent

MORNING PRAYER will be prayed each weekday, Monday through Friday, from 8:00-8:30 AM in the Chapel during Lent.  Morning Prayer is a traditional Book of Common Prayer Service of prayer…