- Annual pledges support our mission and ministry through daily operations, outreach, Christian Education programs, and other various
ministries. All are welcome and encouraged to support St Michael’s through an annual financial commitment or pledge. You let the church know what amount you feel called to give each year. Then we provide offering envelopes if you wish, or you can opt for automatic withdrawal or online giving. Contact the office at 802.254.6048 to receive a pledge card.
- Planned Giving provides us with opportunities to give to the church from our resources both during and after our lifetimes. In general, planned gifts are made in three forms: a bequest in a will, a life-income gift, or a gift of special assets. We all drink from wells we have not dug, and planned giving plays a vital role in our church’s ongoing ministry. For more information about planning your legacy, please email Jeanie Crosby or call her at 802-254-6048.
- Give Safely and Securely Online St. Michael’s is pleased to announce a convenient new way to make your regular offerings online via debit, credit card, or electronic funds transfer from your bank. With our new electronic giving program, you can easily set up a recurring giving schedule or make one-time contributions. Electronic contributions can be made here. You may also visit the church office, email Jeanie Crosby or call her at 802-254-6048.
- Periodic giving is welcome. You can simply mail a check with a note explaining your intention to St Michael’s Episcopal Church, 16 Bradley Ave. Brattleboro, VT 05301.
- Time and talents are very much part of our giving. Your time and talents can make an enormous difference in accomplishing our mission and ministry. Please let us know what you feel called to do