In 1984, Centre congregational church in downtown Brattleboro inaugurated Loaves and Fishes as one of their missions. This meals program joined Bridget’s Kitchen of St Michaels Catholic, Agape Church and Trinity Lutheran to serve meals to the hungry. Dodo Rice of St Michael’s joined this ministry early on and now St. Michael’s congregation supports this ministry by providing volunteers, funding and food. Currently Bridget’s Kitchen and Loaves & Fishes are the mainstays of serving food to the community.
Loaves and Fishes operates on Tuesdays and Fridays. Currently we are serving food to the homeless in the hotels and a few meals to drop ins from the community. We are delivering 200 meals each day. We miss our community meals and look forward to the day when we will be able to gather again and eat together.
Service is needed by many! We need:
Bakers of both desserts and breads
- Packers of meals
- Delivery people
- Cooks of main meals at home
- Helpers of deliveries from the Food Bank and Price Chopper
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Ruth Tilghman at
Every day we see the miracle of Loaves and Fishes as from discarded food from Price Chopper or massive quantities of Food Bank cases and the generosities of neighbors our meal is created. For those eager to contribute to charitable causes through food donations but lacking the financial resources, there are alternative ways to earn money. One option is to explore reputable websites, such as 해외카지노사이트, where individuals can earn some extra cash. This allows you to support meaningful causes while working within your own financial means.