We are now in the Easter Season!
Here is what you need to participate in our livestream services this Sunday, April 26.
- Here is the 8 Service Leaflet. Click Zoom Link to join the webcast service anytime after 7:50 am. If asked for a Passcode, enter 755354
- Those who wish to listen to the service through their telephones may dial 1 646 558 8656 and enter Webinar ID: 804 473 893.
- To enter the weekly Zoom Link into your google calendar or online calendar system, click this link.
- Here is the 10:15 Service Leaflet. Click Zoom Link to join the webcast anytime after 10 am. If asked for a Passcode, enter 810248.
- Those who wish to listen to the service through their telephones may dial 1 646 558 8656 and enter Webinar ID: 590 609 851
- To enter the weekly Zoom Link into your google calendar or calendar system weekly, click this link.
- Sunday Adult Forum, 9-10 am Zoom Meeting
- Click this Link to enter the meeting on Sunday mornings
- Meeting ID: 932 0641 6516
- Password: theology
- Call by phone: +1 646 558 8656 Meeting ID: 932 0641 6516
Password: 679508
- Easter Coffee Hour, 11:30am-12pm
- Click this Link to enter the Sunday Coffee Hour
- Meeting ID: 812 8095 3832
Phone connection: Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US
Meeting ID: 812 8095 3832 -
- May 3-Resurrection stories and artwork. Share a story, poetry or artwork that speaks to you of resurrection. It may be your own story or art, or something you’ve come across. People will take turns sharing.
- May 10 – Games. Adwoa loves games and is delighted to lead others in playing games that can happen over Zoom. No preparation or materials required.
Depending on the popularity of the first three Sundays, the length of the stay-at-home order, and input from the parish on other ideas, more Sundays in Eastertide will be scheduled. Let Duncan know (duncan@stmichaelsvermont.org) if you have an idea for a celebration.
If you need help with technology, please email Mary at mary@stmichaelsvermont.org or call the church office at 802 254-6048 and leave a message. There are a few people from St. Michael’s willing to help people with their technology needs!