Paul Dedell’s “Out of the Lion’s Mouth” was premiered on March 21, 22, and 23 of 2015. Featuring Elle Jamieson, soprano, Greg Lesch, bass, David Tasgal, clarinet, and the voices of The Choir School, directed by Susan Dedell, this modern take on a medieval mystery play was a quirky new look at a fascinating old story – Daniel in the Lions’ Den.
Composer Paul Dedell said, “I began by wanting to write something using a children’s choir, and the story of Daniel in the Lion’s Den just jumped out. It offered some great opportunity for humor, as well as being a story that is surprisingly relevant. I liked the idea of having a children’s chorus sing the role of the officious and corrupt Satraps, who were jealous of Daniel and resented him because he was an outsider. In addition to being a bit comic, it works — because on a basic emotional level children really understand the feelings that motivated the behavior of the Satraps, as well as how Daniel felt at the mean treatment.”
The piece is scored for klezmer clarinet and piano.
With “Out of the Lion’s Mouth”, Dedell returned to his roots as a composer of musical theater. His first full length musical score, written shortly after graduation from college, won the prestigious David B. Marshall award. Since then, he has written award winning choral pieces, chamber music, songs, and locally, scores for Sandglass Theater, Marlboro College, and the Vermont Symphony.